How to Foster Self-Awareness in Students and Why.


The first “S in the Resilient STARS acronym stands for Self-Awareness; according to the American Psychological Association dictionary, it is “self-focused attention or knowledge.” In our self-awareness module, we use cognitive behavioral therapy as the backbone of our session as we help students explore and understand the fluidity of their emotions, their empathy – testing how others could feel about any given situation, and core beliefs – what they believe about themselves, others and the world. We use role-plays, case studies and student drawings to help them elicit their automatic negative thoughts, feelings and patterns of behaving that are unhelpful. We also help them to brainstorm new helpful ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, one small change at a time. 

In this week’s insight, we are looking at why self-awareness is important, ways to foster it, and three books students can read to enhance their self-awareness. 

Why is self-awareness important? 

Self-awareness is an invaluable skill that students should prioritize acquiring during their educational journey. This ability to introspect, understand one’s emotions, and recognize personal strengths and weaknesses is a fundamental cornerstone for personal and academic success. By fostering self-awareness, students can enhance their emotional intelligence, improve interpersonal relationships, and make informed decisions, ultimately preparing them for a more fulfilling and well-rounded future.

Three (3) ways for students to improve their self-awareness:

1. Reflection and Journaling: Encourage students to regularly reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Journaling provides a structured outlet for self-expression, allowing them to identify patterns, triggers, and areas for personal growth. This is often assigned as in-session and out of session action plans for students to share with their coaches during their next session. 

2. Feedback Seeking: Actively seeking constructive feedback from peers, teachers, and Resilient Stars Coaches fosters a deeper understanding of students’ strengths and weaknesses. Constructive feedback provides valuable insights that contribute to self-awareness and continuous improvement. 

3. Mindfulness Practices: Our attention module emphasizes the power of meditation and mindfulness. We also introduce mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises from our first orientation session. These practices enhance self-awareness by promoting focused attention on the present moment, helping students observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment.

Three great books to read to improve students’ self-awareness:

1. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman: This seminal work explores the concept of emotional intelligence and its impact on personal and professional success. Goleman’s insights provide a solid foundation for students seeking to understand and enhance their emotional awareness. 

2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck: Dweck’s book delves into the power of mindset and how one’s beliefs about their abilities can significantly influence their success. By fostering a growth mindset, students can cultivate a deeper understanding of their own potential and overcome challenges with resilience. 

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey: Covey’s classic offers a holistic approach to personal and professional effectiveness. The habits outlined in the book encourage self-awareness, emphasizing principles that help students align their actions with their values, fostering a more authentic and purposeful life.

In this week’s insight, we looked at why self-awareness is important, ways to foster it and three books students can read to enhance their self-awareness. Our Resilient Stars Curriculum © has been proven in schools, revised by students and coached by individuals with a vested interest in helping students succeed. 

Want to experience our Resilient Stars Coaching process? Click here to book your session today.